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2025 AGM

For those that missed it – the ODVH management reported that regular bookings now include community and chair yoga, dance, sewing, the drop- in, post office and wine club amongst others. Several local groups find the hall facilities ideal. The pre-school and church use the hall along with a mother and baby group and private parties.

Events hosted recently include the Heritage group’s Mamma Mia evening, Lilly Lovejoy 40s evening, New Year’s and Burns Night, and several talks – who could forget An Evening with Ann?  Or the Caroling with the Old Dalby Ensemble? 

The Website and Facebook page have growing followers and the 100 club draw has grown to the 222 club. Winners guaranteed each month.

When this iconic, but elderly hall sometimes needs attention the issues have been addressed quickly and efficiently … a tribute to the enthusiasm of the management team with their variety of skills and abilities.

The hall has a great kitchen, equipment to put on any sort of event; wi-fi, projector, PA system, ample chairs and tables. BBQ. Marquee!  Table tennis! 

Since its refurb it has been used by growing numbers of the community which is exactly what it’s here for. 

There’s always room for more though….shows, music nights, talks, lectures, films, quizzes, meetings…. and any ideas you have are always welcome. It’s your village hall and you can hire it.  Please support this wonderful village hall to ensure it survives and flourishes. Let us know your ideas.     

The committee wish to offer a very public THANK YOU to Margaret Bairstow and John Hodgson who are stepping down after many years of service.

This does of course mean there is room for some new villagers to join the committee!